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          超級電腦 催生科學新知 http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/071204/78/pb2i.html 根據美國專家表示,新一代的超級電腦很可能在明年問世,其每秒浮點運算次數可高達1000兆次 部落格,大約是位於美國加州 勞倫斯利佛摩國家實驗室中的「藍基因/L」電腦的2倍快。這種千兆級超級電腦的超強運算能力很可能加速各種科學研究的方法, 部落格促成科學重大新發現。 根據華盛頓郵報3日報導指出,千兆級電腦的運算能力相當於逾一萬台桌上型電腦的總和,在普通個人電腦上得窮畢生時間才能完成的運算 信用卡代償,在現今的超級電腦上大概得花5小時完成,若使用千兆級電腦則僅需2小時。 在新一代的超級電腦中,以美國IBM公司與美國能源 襯衫部在洛薩拉摩斯國家實驗室所共同打造的「路跑者」(Roadrunner)超級電腦最有希望率先完成,這台電 腦運算時所耗費的電量也高達400萬瓦,足?烤肉食材H點亮一萬顆燈泡。 但科學家認為,路跑者及其他超級電腦的運算功能可大幅增進電腦的模擬能力,未來包括氣候變遷、地質學、醫學新藥研發、天文學等各類進行直接實驗?小型辦公室 [察過於費時、危險或無法實現的科學領域,都可望藉由新超級電腦而出現重大發展。 事實上,有些專家主張,新世代超級電腦及其模擬運算功能之強大,傳統上科學研究從理論到假設再到實驗證明的研究步 室內裝潢驟可能從此改觀,未來的科學研究將無法再忽略電腦運算,科學家可用電腦模擬來取代實驗並獲得相關資料,其中又以氣候變遷的相關研究可能受惠最多;屆時令人擔心的反而是美國航太總署(NASA)的氣象衛星已太過老?房地產癒A無法提供足夠的資料讓電腦運算。 千兆級超級電腦還可能預測地震對大城市中每一棟建築所可能產生的影響,在無需實際進行核子測試的情況下評估美國庫存核武的可靠性、安全性與效能,或模擬星球爆炸成超新星後死亡的過程,對實驗藥物及其 關鍵字行銷功能進行更精細的分析,模擬禽流感病毒的演化以協助科學家及時研發出疫苗 ,甚至協助華爾街分析家計算金融工具的風險。   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 澎湖民宿  .

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          the legality of US martial law on Formosa through the ROC Taiwan authorities Subject: re FRUS on military government forms and the legality of US martial law on Formosa through the ROC Taiwan authorities If martial law is direct military rule over domestic territory, and thus is military government on one's own territory, then military government outside one's own territory can also be termed martial law. These are distinctions without a difference, military necessity and the presumption of maximal preservation of existing laws and protection of rights is the standard by which lawfulness of military government abroad or martial law at home are measured. The US governs Formosa through her captive trustee in situ, the ROC "Taiwan" authorities [which state.gov Treaties In Force says are not recognized as either as a state or even as a government (in fact)]. Because the PRC, ROC, and US Foreign Ministers and Secretary of State have all stated that the ROC "Taiwan" authorities are a government-in-exile, this means they are NO governme 酒店經紀nt at all, but captive trustees on site whose existence depends on the US foreign policy or other authority for its continuation. Since the US derecognized the ROC as the lawful government for China exclusive and outside of Formosa, the Congress enacted the TRA authorizing a successor governing authority, ie civil government, for Formosa, to succeed to the status quo of US military government Formosa... The TRA authorized the US military government Formosa (ie the ROC government in exile or Taiwan authorities) to terminate the application of US martial law on Formosa, which was then done a few years later. Decisions of the US martial law courts on Formosa were treated consonant with the precedent of former US Vice Consul John Waller, Tamatave, Madagascar's special court martial during the reoccupation of the island by the French, namely that even though irregular and thus improper, unlawful or unconstitutional, etcetera, yet the passage of time having 建築設計been substantial, etcetera, the decisions were not upset... the precedent by Judge Patel's issuance of the writ of error coram nobis represents a different approach however (though she was not overturning a martial law court decision per se, but a criminal conviction predicated on violation of martial law orders). Martial law on Formosa was never Chinese military government nor Chinese martial law, it was always American military government by martial law for the US in the US entrusted conquered detached former Japanese territory of Formosa. Because the US has a basis for claims to Formosa, she is permitted to deem the territory domestic for some purposes, such as application of martial law, ie domestic in a foreign sense, or insular therefor to the US, like the former Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. The ROC Taiwan is merely the name by which the US administers Formosa, and is merely the name for the US Administering Authority of the Formosa trust territory. The passpor 買房子t issuance authority of the US Code in Title 22 permits chief executive officers of insular areas to issue passports in the name of the territory, hence pursuant to the TRA, the US captive trustee in situ Administering Authority on Formosa may issue Taiwan passports, which are essentially evidence of constitutional treaty and law of war based noncitizen nationality of the trust territory type (a kind admitted in the Covenant establishing the CNMI in political union with the US), There is NO ROC, there is NO Taiwan... there is an island of Formosa, which remains territory detached from Japan, held independent from any Chinese claims by the superior claims of the US, pending ultimate disposition thereof, the US remains her Administering Authority. The ROC or Taiwan is permitted to act as if a trustee in situ, like a prison trustee, solely in the discretion and at the will of the President of the US and his foreign policy consistent with any constitutionally proper Congressional requirements. The TRA has pe 房地產rmitted the US military gover Formosa to evolve into a lawful non-martial law, non-military government, civil government... the status quo is therefor that Formosa already enjoys a US Congressionally authorized and Executive Branch approved civil government, whose administrators are elected by Formosan voters and resettled Chinese refugees on American Formosa. The ROC "Taiwan", therefor appears to be a Taiwan civil government... it is not sovereign, and with respect to its claims to have been formed in 1911 or 1912 or in China, and to the sovereignty of China, the ROC Taiwan remains solely a government-in-exile, but with respect to its post-termination of US martial law form of military government on Formosa after passage of the TRA authorizing Taiwan civil government, the Taiwan authorities have become a proper civil government successor to the US military government Formosa. This Taiwan civil government is thus a lawful civil government as well as a Chinese government-in-exile, exercising these dual capacities and responsibil 房屋貸款ities in a variety of names and through many means, but at all times when acting as Free China in exile subject to the superintendentcy of the US One China foreign policy etcetera which permits Free China to remain in exile on American Formosa, and when acting as the Taiwan civil government, it is also merely trustee in situ, and not even de facto Trustee, as alter ego and nom de plume by which the US exercises her Administering Authority responsibilities... because the US has not moved to embrace the Formosa trust territory as a US possession or non-trust territory territory, even under civil government, Taiwan remains the Formosa trust territory, and is not self-governing, just as the civil governments of Guam, Puerto Rico and American Samoa are not self-governing either (and continue to be recognized by the UN as non-self governing in spite of US protestations and local insular assertions to the UN of their self-determined status). Formosa does not now belong to China, but the ROC in exile may for Free China continue to maintain its basis for histo 有巢氏房屋rical, cultural and other claims to the ultimate future disposition of the sovereignty of Formosa by incorporation with Free China or China or independence or formalization of a trusteeship with the UN, all as available to Formosa given her status under the UN Charter Article 73 and 77 as territory detached from Japan, and pursuant to Article 107 of the UN Charter, Japan has waived any duties it may have had for Formosa in consequence of public international law regarding integral territory... Formosa may have been integral territory of Japan by incorporation into Japan during the second world war, but was nevertheless detached from Japan, whether properly or not, and Japan by virtue of her unconditional surrender and adherence to the UN Charter, may not be heard to complain in these regards for herself nor for Formosa and the Formosans... public international law only binds US adherence to treaties to the extent the treaties are considered under US domestic or municipal law to be self-executing, and the US considers it may deem later congressional enactments contrary to i 土地買賣nternational law or inconsistent with treaties to be superior and controlling. so: 1. there is no ROC state 2. there is no Taiwan state 3. neither the ROC nor Taiwan are a government independent of the US 4. the ROC in exile on Formosa may maintain claims to Formosa for future resolution by the US 5. the PRC may advocate her claims to Formosa subject to future international resolution by the US 6. the US military government Formosa has been succeeded to by a civil government authorized by the US Congress under the TRA definition of Taiwan as including successor governing authorities to the ROC in martial law 7. the TRA authorized termination of US martial law in the US entrusted territory of American Formosa 8. Formosa is under civil government, not military government, and was never under Chinese military government, but under allied American military government conducted for the US in the name of Free China or the Taiwan Province etcetera 9. Taiwan passports are US passports issued under the authority of the US Secretary of State for native Formosan 酒店工作s and resettled Chinese refugee entrusted and protected wards of the US (because these wards' allegiance may be less than permanent, they may be less than constitutional noncitizen nationals, but this remains of first impression for US courts to determine in the first instance) 10. Taiwan civil government status does not resolve the trust territory status of Formosa, nor constitute self-determination, and Taiwan under ROC Taiwan civil government authorized by the US Congress and Executive Branch remains a US entrusted non-self governing territory 11. participation in elections for the Taiwan civil government is not inconsistent with demands to the US Congress to authorize plebiscites for formation of a truly native Formosan civil government to replace the Free Chinese Taiwanese civil government of the ROC Taiwan authorities, or to ask Congress for a plebiscite permitting freely associated status with US defense and foreign relations for American Formosa, or independence of the Republic of American Formosa, or reunion, retrocession or reintegration of Formosa with Free China in exile or de jure China 1 賣房子2. the ROC when acting as the alter ego US Administering Authority trustee in situ for Formosa should be properly termed the Taiwan civil government, not the ROC... the ROC refers properly only to Free China in exile, ie the foreign policy and affairs components of the Taiwan authorities advocating future claims to China or Formosa, etcetera, and wholly subject to and dependent on US foreign policy for its continued existence in exile on American Formosa 13. American Formosa is a trust territory with a US civil government, it is not yet self-governing 14. US martial law on Formosa was lawful because even today the US maintains a basis for juridical claims to Formosa and could choose to embrace Formosa proprietarily as US unincorporated territory rather than as a US entrusted territory, martial law is lawful military government in territory where one maintains a colorable basis for claims to the sovereignty thereto 15. there was never Chinese martial law on Formosa, only Allied American martial law .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 保濕面膜  .

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          台北市議員:貓纜T15.T16塔柱 基樁位移 ●公視(2010.05.05) st1\00003a*{} .

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          印度,被黑馬甩了嗎? table.MsoNormalTable {font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"Times New Roman";}【Comment】 美國外交政策,在布希政府時代走到了承認印度擁有核武的權利的階段,顯然是全球性制衡中國的權力平衡步數。 歐巴馬,則亞洲行跳過印度,還盛讚中、巴,加上希拉蕊亞洲行也跳過印度,兩次,是有意不是疏忽。印度當然 有巢氏房屋憂心忡忡。 這樣看來,印度總理訪問華府,是亡羊補牢(否則先前何需憂心忡忡?) 印度憂心、中國臭臉,這匹「黑馬」在搞什麼呢? 奧巴馬稱讚印度是不可缺少的夥伴 ●VOA(2009.11.25) 美國總統奧巴馬星期二在白?買屋網c設宴招待印度總理,希望讓新德里相信印度在美國外交政策中的重要性。 奧巴馬星期二在白宮草坪上的巨大帳篷中舉行盛大國宴,款待辛格總理。這是奧巴馬入主白宮以來舉行的最盛大國宴。 星期二早些時候,美國總統稱讚印度是全球安全不可缺少的夥伴?酒店打工A並預計美國和印度的夥伴關係將是21世紀決定性的關係之一。 奧巴馬本月初首次訪問中國時,提到了印度的地區競爭對手中國不斷增加的全球作用,引起印度的擔憂。奧巴馬還將其外交政策的重點集中在與印度的另外一名對手巴基斯坦的安全合作上。 辛格星期三繼續對美國進行 訂做禮服國事訪問,他將在華盛頓舉行的記者會,討論印度和美國的關係。 http://www1.voanews.com/chinese/news/US/US-INDIA-20091125-73561642.html 印度總理辛格訪問美國 ●VOA(2009.11.24) 印度總理辛格正在美國進行國事訪問。他在啟程前表示,國際社會必須向巴基斯坦施加壓力,制止伊斯?訂做禮服麚糷銧怯~續以印度為目標的“恐怖主義”。 印度總理辛格星期一敦促巴基斯坦將一年前發生的孟買襲擊事件的策劃者繩之以法,共有166人在那次事件中喪生。 辛格說:“那次襲擊造成的痛苦令我們記憶猶新,恐怖主義對於文明世界造成現實的威脅,它必須被擊敗。我們不應該存有任何幻想,認為對恐怖主義採取在某些地區實行打擊?酒店經紀A而在其他地區視而不見的有選擇對策會發揮作用,或收到成效。” 華盛頓希望辛格總理星期二對白宮進行的國事訪問能夠使印度在反恐、雙邊貿易和防止氣候變化,方面發揮更大的作用,但是印度對於美國對它的對手巴基斯坦和中國表現出的過份熱情感到擔憂。 為了表示印度將採取同美國合作的態度,辛格說,印度和美國將於星期二簽署一項有關清潔能源和防止?住商房屋藄埧雂熙捁C 辛格說:“每個國家都應該竭盡全力,為哥本哈根會議取得成功的結果做出貢獻。印度是工業化的後來者,因此我們對於溫室氣體排放的積累,導致全球氣候變暖沒有多大責任,但是我們決定參與解決這個問題,我們願意推動任何不損害發展中國家發展經濟和人口脫貧權利的解決方案。” 辛格訪問美國的時機比較敏感。有分析人士認為,印度對於奧巴馬總統最近出 酒店工作訪亞洲時似乎對中國過於熱情,而對印度有所忽略而感到不快。這種情緒可能會影響印度和美國在布希政府時期建立起來的友好關係。 http://www1.voanews.com/chinese/news/US-INDIA-20091124-72653157.html 【相關閱讀】 美國為應對中國崛起加強與印度的戰略合作 共同社2008.10.02 分析希拉蕊亞洲行顯示美國外交歷史性轉換 共同社2009.02.24 幾則有關航空母艦的發展 分析針對中國的新戰略 信用貸款伙伴 BBC 希拉蕊的巧權力Smart Power 從中國緬甸反思中國台灣 中國左右雙拳的包抄戰略 中國企圖分裂印度 印度二奶地位岌岌可危 蘋果/杜念中2009.03.03 珍珠鏈戰略發威中 美中印牽手日本憂孤立 vs. 沖繩美軍基地的美國節 美國國家情報委員會的預測報告 龍象相爭 中印軍力暗中較勁 BBC2008.09.29 .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 找房子  .

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          美國在台協會 (AIT) 與駐美國台北經濟文化代表處 (TECRO)所訂立之協定選輯 ■AIT 美國在台協會 (AIT) 與駐美國台北經濟文化代表處 (TECRO)所訂立之協定選輯 ■AIT 美國人民與台灣人民保持文化、商務及其他非官方關係。 根據台灣關係法 Taiwan Relations Act (TRA) 第六條及第 賣房子 13014號 行政命令 Executive Order 13014, 61 F.R. 42963,由美國總統或任何美國政府機關執行的與台灣相關的計劃、交易和其他關係,一般由美國在台協會或透過美國在台協會加以執行、進行和實施。 面膜 根據台灣關係法第10條a節,駐美國台北經濟文化代表處(TECRO),前身為北美事務協調委員會(CCNAA),經認定為台灣人民設立的機構,擁有台灣人民法定的權威,可以根據台灣關係法(13014號行政命令)代表台灣人民提供保 濾桶證及採取其他行動。 以下是1979年1月1日起美國在台協會與駐美國台北經濟文化代表處(或其前身北美事務協調委員會)所訂立的協定選輯。 1979年1月1日前與台灣當局達成之協定而目前仍有效者,請參見國務院相關網站 Treaties in For 機車借款ce。 The people of the United States maintain cultural, commercial and other unofficial relations with the people on Taiwan. Pursuant to section 6 of the Taiwan Relations Act (TRA) (P.L. 96-8, 93 Stat. 14, 22 U.S.C. 3305) and Executiv 信用貸款e Order 13014, 61 F.R. 42963, programs, transactions, and other relations carried out by the President or any agency of the United States Government with respect to Taiwan are generally conducted and carried out by or through the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT). Si 部落格milarly, U.S. agreements or transactions relative to Taiwan are generally entered into, performed, and enforced by or through AIT. Pursuant to section 10(a) of the TRA, the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States (TECRO), formerly the Coordination Counci 部落格l for North American Affairs (CCNAA) has been determined to be the instrumentality established by the people on Taiwan having the necessary authority under the laws applied by the people on Taiwan to provide assurances and take other actions on behalf of Taiwan in accordance with the TRA (Executive Order 1301 部落格4). Selected Agreements entered into between AIT and TECRO (or its predecessor CCNAA) since January 1, 1979 are listed here. For agreements that were concluded with Taiwan authorities prior to January 1, 1979 and continue in force, see the United States Department of State publication Treaties in Force. 請點 找房子選以下各協定分類: Agriculture (9) Aviation (17) Environment (4) Judicial Assistance (1) Scientific and Technical Cooperation (4) Trade (1) http://www.ait.org.tw/zh/about_ait/agreements/ .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 裝潢  .

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          EULEX接管UNMIK st1\:*{}table.MsoNormalTable {font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"Times New Roman";}st1\:*{} table.MsoNormalTable {font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"Times New Roman";}【Comment】 以阿爾巴尼亞裔人口佔90%的科索沃,從1991年「南斯拉夫」解體開始,成為塞爾維亞人 永慶房屋「大塞爾維亞主義」下的受害者,承受「種族清洗」(ethnic cleansing),聯合國、歐盟、北約、美國等介入角力,最後擬定主權與管理權分開的處理模式──「塞爾維亞主權下,聯合國(UNMIK) 酒店經紀管理的領土」並承諾未來的獨立。發動「種族清洗」的塞爾維亞總統米洛塞維奇以人道罪與戰爭罪,接受國際刑事法庭的追溯與審判,死於審判中途。 2008年2月19日科索沃「片面宣布獨立」,立即獲得美、英等國的承認( 租屋目前約有40國承認),卻受到塞、俄等國的抵制。還牽扯出俄國與喬治亞對於兩個「自治共和國」(autonomous republics)阿布哈吉亞(Abkhazia)以及南奧塞吉亞(South Ossetia)的武裝衝突,讓烏克蘭緊張半天不說,NATO還派了10艘軍艦通過土耳其海 房地產峽進入黑海,一時劍拔弩張。為經濟發展,塞爾維亞必須進入歐盟,以免被孤立,然而,科索沃卻是歐盟同情與支持的對象,可見其「XX被夾住」的窘境。 聯合國在科索沃的民政(civilian affairs)任務,有NATO相伴,現在,聯合國將任務交給歐盟(EULEX)…。 有意 長灘島思的追蹤應該是:UNMIK如何將權力移轉給EULEX? 欲知後事如何,請聽下回分解。 歐盟接管聯合國在科索沃任務 ■BBC(2008.12.10) 歐洲聯盟特派團正式接管聯合國在科索沃的工作,開始強化該地區法治建設的任務。 2000多名官員接替了聯合國職員擔任警察、司法 借貸和海關稅務等職位。 今年2月,塞爾維亞拒絕承認科索沃獨立,仍視其為國家的一個省份,但塞爾維亞接受新的歐盟特派團。 聯合國管理科索沃十多年後離開,但仍肩負一小部分的政治角色。 這是歐盟有史以來最大的特派團(civilian mission)。它將在整個科索沃地區展開工作。 歐盟將監督特派團?系統傢俱巀給謘B法庭和關稅服務的管理。 BBC記者福克斯發自普里什蒂納的報道說,特派團的目標是幫助當地權力機關處理腐敗和幫派犯罪的問題。 姍姍來遲 政治分析家佩奇說,特派團在科索沃的任務對歐盟來說是一個巨大的考驗。 佩奇說:「如果你在這裡成功了,就證明你有能力處理其他的危機。但如果在科索沃失敗了,你就失去了參與海 系統傢俱外事務的信譽。」 實際上,問題已經出現了:歐盟特派團本應在幾個月前就開始工作,但塞爾維亞方面的阻撓和反對讓他們姍姍來遲。 儘管貝爾格萊德現在已經接受了這項計劃,很多科索沃地區的塞族人仍然對聯合國人員的離去心存怨念。 該地區的主要民族阿爾巴尼亞人也已多次抗議。他們認為科索沃對塞爾維亞做出了太多讓步。 http://news.bbc.co 房地產.uk/chinese/trad/hi/newsid_7770000/newsid_7772500/7772574.stm 相關資料: 安可科索沃 歐盟科索沃法治特派團 (EULEX KOSOVO) 聯合國科索沃臨時行政當局特派團 (UNMIK) 北約科索沃維和部隊 (KFOR) 科索沃政府 .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 個人信貸  .

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